Welcome這個字大家都常常在說,但是卻常常用錯;最明顯的2個例子就是在飛機上做免稅品促銷廣播或是機長在廣播向乘客致意,其中有2句就是We welcome you to visit XXX airlines website and explore on-line e-shopping service.(我們歡迎您進入XX航空網站,享受免稅品網路預訂服務。)
We welcome you on board⋯⋯(歡迎您搭乘⋯⋯)
其實英文中沒有welcome sb to do sth.(歡迎某人做某些事情。)也没有we welcome you ⋯⋯的說法,不要被中式英文給誤導,正確的說法是You're welcome to visit XX airlines website ⋯⋯
來分享welcome 的幾種用法,
1.welcome 及物動詞為迎接,例The curator welcomed the visiting guests at the museum.
2.welcome to當形容詞為受歡迎的、款待的、可以自由的使用,如You're welcome to use my bathroom.(我的浴室你可以自由的使用。)和 be my guest /help yourself!(請自便、別客氣)的說法一樣。
3.welcome當名詞用為歡迎、迎接的意思,如The flight attendants gave all the guests a warm welcome as boarding .(空服員在乘客登機時給予熱情的接待。)
4.當感嘆詞用是歡迎客人或家人朋友來訪,如 Welcome aboard!(歡迎登機、船!)
Welcome on board!(是指有新進人員加入團隊,意思和 welcome aboard 相近)
Welcome home!(歡迎歸來!)
最後You' re absolutely welcome to browse through my blog at any time.
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